TIS accepted for import in the standard customs declaration

We are pleased to inform you that Swedish Customs, on Friday 10/6, informed us that our customs system TIS has been approved for the new UCC import procedure for standard customs declarations (IMDS, IMDP, IMDR, IMDA, IMDC).

This means that we are now in full swing with the roll-out of the transition to the new procedure of the standard customs declaration for imports for all our customers affected by the new import procedure.
As we previously informed, the Customs timetable is that by 31/12 2022 all traders will submit data electronically to the new import system.

The changeover to the use of the standard import declaration means that previous import declaration messages are replaced by new ones.

DNK -> IMDS (standard customs declaration)
DNU -> IMDP (standard advance customs declaration)
DRT -> IMDR (Substitution of a standard advance customs declaration)
DBK -> IMDA (Notification of arrival of goods after advance standard declaration)
OMP -> IMDC (Application for amendment of accepted/released customs declaration)

The main difference between the old and the new import messages is the move away from data blocks and boxes (found on the ED document) which are replaced by data categories and elements (found in the technical message structure).

The new notices have been expanded to include more and new information, and some information will be mandatory rather than voluntary.

We encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity to start familiarising yourself with the new import notifications!
Look through what they contain and identify if you find information content that you are currently missing and start thinking about how to ensure access to it, when the time comes for the transition.

A good starting point is to look through the new declaration guide that Swedish Customs has published: tullverket.se/foretag/internationellhandel/deklarationshandledningarvidimport

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